Reinforce (Amplify)

You can amplify NFTs with BUM and LINKs

You can amplify (reinforce) your NFTs. If you amplify your NFTs, then your NFTs will get weight. This means that your NFTs can be used to boost your BUM, or to be collateralized and borrow BUM.

Vanilla will amplify your NFTs with Chainlink's VRF. It will make a new random number per a amplify request, and then the random number will be changed to weight based on 'Random table'.

To amplify your NFTs, you need to have your NFTs, 2 LINK tokens and 0.1 BUM. There will be 3 steps as below.

  1. Amplify request

    • You will lock your NFTs until all amplifying ends.

    • You will pay 2 LINKs and 0.1 BUM. 2 LINKs for Chainlink only (no fees for Vanilla) and 0.1 BUM as Vanilla's fee. 0.1 BUM will be distributed to users by weight.

  2. Amplify response

    • This will be called from Chainlink, not users. It may take 3 minutes or more depending on Chainlink.

    • This will give a new random number, and after this, you can get back your locked NFTs.

  3. Claim back your NFTs

    • With generated new random number, you can claim your locked NFTs.

    • This will generate new weight to your NFTs.

    • You can re-amplify NFTs anytime, and if you amplified the NFT before, then the weight will be changed to new weight.

Last updated